Crosswalk Integration Beta in Ionic CLI (v1.3.2)

How do you get BUILD_MULTIPLE_APKS=true to take effect if building in Android Studio? Android Studio doesn’t read environment variables from what I have gathered…

Not to sure about android studio (vim and cli user) but from what I gather, you probably need to edit one of the gradle build files. @jbavari1 would be the one to ask about this.

How to i make BUILD_MULTIPLE_APKS=true work on windows?

if i run “BUILD_MULTIPLE_APKS=true ionic run android” -> i get "BUILD_MULTIPLE_APKS is not regonized"
i tried too set BUILD_MULTIPLE_APKS=true variable and run ionic run android, but the apk was the same size(with both)

do “set BUILD_MULTIPLE_APKS=true” and hit return
then the next line ionic build android

I still would love to know how to do it in Android Studio!

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In Ubuntu: BUILD_MULTIPLE_APKS=true ionic build android

In my app:

crosswalk x86+ARM 37.8mb
crosswalk x86 23.4mb
crosswalk ARM 20.6mb

@nm7000 that doesn’t seem to work for me though. I am on linux with cordova 4.1.2 and ionic 1.3.2
With the last command, I am supposing you meant ionic browser add crosswalk
Also, shouldn’t ionic browser add crosswalk include the android platform by default?

With this tutorial:
WebRTC is working on my device. At least, the local stream is showing correctly.

With same html/js/css, ionic+crosswalk is not working.
Local stream is not shown.
Any idea?

$ ionic info

Your system information:

OS: Windows XP
Node Version: v0.10.33
Cordova CLI: 4.2.0
Ionic Version: 1.0.0-beta.14
Ionic CLI Version: 1.3.2

Hi, you guys, I compiled apk, running report this error in the simulator!
Who can help me to have a look

01-22 18:12:20.847: E/AndroidRuntime(2862): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Use SharedXWalkView if you want to support shared mode

Nice work! Integration was painless.

Unfortunately most plugins are not working any more, making the switch pretty hard…

I read about that above and at least the core plugins should be working soon, so there’s hope!

What’s actually the big deal, that most plugins are not working any more. How would be the suggested way to help out plugin developers and get their plugins running with ionic, crosswalk & cordova? Any suggestions in form of pointing out the main problem with plugins & crosswalk?

as far as i know, you should use Cordova CLI 3.5.0, but i’m not yet an crosswalk expert. but i thought i’ve read about that somewhere.

It is not clear to me where to inform the keystore so we can publish on the Play Store

So the main issue is that for crosswalk to work properly with cordova, we needed to use an unreleased version of cordova-android, 4.0.

So when plugins don’t work, thats the reason why. When cordova-android 4.0 comes out officially, and then the plugin managers should update their 3rd party plugins.

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You should use the latest version of the cordova cli, v4.2.0

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There are plenty of resources on googles developer website of how to sign your APKs after building them. As far as I know it’s not necessary to do it at compile time.

I cloned an existing ionic project from git. I have ionic version 1.3.2 and cordova version 4.2.0 on ubuntu 14.04. After cloning, i cded into the directory and did an ionic browser add crosswalk. It says that crosswalk was added successfully. Then when i try to do ionic run android, it says no platforms added. So i do a ioinic platform add android, which gives me this error:
Failed to install 'org.apache.cordova.engine.crosswalk':CordovaError: Plugin doesn't support this project's cordova-android version. cordova-android: 3.6.4, failed version requirement: >=4.0.0-dev.

ionic platform add android@4.0.0-dev returns
Unable to fetch platform android@4.0.0-dev: Error: version not found: cordova-android@4.0.0-dev

How do I fix this?

I managed to compile with success however when running in the emulator with Android 4.3, both x86 and ARM to start application Android is restarted.

This is compatible with plugins:

Seeing inconsistent/transient error messages saying something like:
Application Error - The connection to the server was unsuccessful.

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Hi, guys! Do you have any news regarding to

1.3.3 Milestones (1/23/2015 - onward)
Add a release option that removes unused files and minifies/uglifies to give you smaller builds.
Add the ability to specify Beta/Canary builds of Crosswalk.
Provide a way to release Android builds post 4.4 without Crosswalk.
Make using the CLI easier with tab complete.


Waiting for them impatiently :smile:

When the features get released, we will let you know :smile:

But seriously, we updated our fork of cordova-android to match the later releases on cordova’s side, but it introduced a few changes we needed to work with.

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I’m facing this issue too, I can’t build android.

In my case it seems that the problem is because in the manifest there are two uses-permission with WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE as android:name, I have tried removing one but when I build the app, the manifest is recreated and it has the two uses-permission with WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE again.