Collection-Repeat - Last Record dont show "full" info

I´m using Collection-Repeat to show a list and the final record is “cutted”.

In the last record the line “Estado: xxx Utilizador: yyy” dont appear

What can i do to resolve the problem?


Do you have set the correct container (item) height?

The other records appear…

My Code

My Code is Ok?


I have resolved the problem with a div after collection-repeat.

But this is a bug in Collecttion-Repeat.

I think ionic collection repeat is using css-floating -> so you have to clear it afterwards with a block element like a div and style-attribute “clear: both;”

I make it work with this div after collection-repeat.

The weird (or funny) is that the div dont appear.

Don’t just assume it will never appear, some devices/platforms/browsers might show it even if you never encounter it. (Could make weird situations where users see some strange text) So keep in mind to always keep text in such things that isn’t making weird situations. (In most cases,   will suffice for what you try to accomplish, and is pretty safe)

Thanks. I have use what you suggested.

Can you please tell me what you did? The img you posted is broken. I added a div after collection-repeat but that did not work.

I have added this
