@capacitor/google-maps does not work correctly with java_21

I have a project in Angular 18 and Ionic 8. I updated it to Capacitor version 7 in order to use java_21, but the @capacitor/google-maps plugin does not work correctly; when interacting with the map, the application crashes. When I downgrade my project to Capacitor version 6, everything works perfectly. Apparently, the Capacitor plugin is not compatible with java_21. Is there any solution for this?

Just to confirm, you are running v7 of @capacitor/google-maps?

There is a similar issue about this over here - capacitor/google-maps se cierra al tocar el Mapa en Android con Java_21 en cualquier api level · Issue #73 · ionic-team/capacitor-google-maps · GitHub.

Exactly, I updated all my plugins, including @capacitor/google-maps, to v7. I suppose that for now the best solution is not to update and to build the app using java_17.