Capacitor 6 app does not get installed in Android 14 (SDK34)


I have migrated an app to Ionic CLI (6.17.1) and Capacitor 6 (6.1.1). Also migrated some capacitor plugins like Geolocalization, Firebase Auth to get it run.

The app was targeted to Android 14 (SDK34):
minSdkVersion = 23
compileSdkVersion = 34
targetSdkVersion = 34

Also, I have updated the Android Studio Kola and Gradle, followed this instructions Updating to 6.0 | Capacitor Documentation and also this

I’m able to build and run with “ionic cap run android” and also with Android Studio on a real device and the emulator, but when I publish it as an internal version in Google Play Console, I get the following error the app is installed in Android14 devices but it does not appear in the app list. In fact, the only button that is enabled in Google Play is the “Uninstall” button.
When I run adb logcat I do not get any error related to the app or fatal crash.

The versionCode is greater than all the previous versions and the versionName is also greater. This process has been repeated several times in the past with no issues. But now we’re getting this issue even after trying on different devices and after uninstalling the app or resetting the device.

Does anybody experience something like that?
Thanks in advance,


This sounds tricky. Since the app installs but doesn’t show, it could be related to Android 14’s new permissions or manifest settings. Have you checked if SDK 34 introduced any new requirements? Hope you find a solution soon!

Hi @abuislam, thanks for your comment. It guided me to finally fix the issue.
In the AndroidManifest I had something like:

                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.SENDTO"/>
                <data android:scheme="mailto"/>

Removed the last two lines within the intent-filter to solve it.