Can't update to beta 11?

hi everyone, if I try to update my project for beta 11 I have this error

It looks like this may be a windows issue. Please update your dependencies in package.json directly with:

"@angular/common": "^2.0.0-rc.4",
"@angular/compiler": "^2.0.0-rc.4",
"@angular/core": "^2.0.0-rc.4",
"@angular/forms": "^0.2.0",
"@angular/http": "^2.0.0-rc.4",
"@angular/platform-browser": "^2.0.0-rc.4",
"@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "^2.0.0-rc.4",
"rxjs": "^5.0.0-beta.6",
"zone.js": "^0.6.12"

and run: npm install

another warning

are you using currently in your project?

I saw something similar in Powershell and used a tweaked version of the beta-10 snippet to get things working (also started from a new tabs starter project and dropped my existing “app” folder into place) after running this command:

npm install --save ionic-angular@2.0.0-beta.11 @angular/common@2.0.0-rc.4 @angular/compiler@2.0.0-rc.4 @angular/core@2.0.0-rc.4 @angular/@2.0.0-rc.4 @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@2.0.0-rc.4 rxjs@5.0.0-beta.6 zone.js@0.6.12

I used command
npm install --save ionic-angular @angular/common @angular/compiler @angular/core @angular/http @angular/forms @angular/platform-browser @angular/platform-browser-dynamic rxjs@5.0.0-beta.6 zone.js@0.6.12

verified the package.json shows updated version of the dependencies.

I updated the install command to be expanded and install the exact version since there are issues with RC5. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!