Cannot find module 'gulp'

Hi guys i am getting this error when i build for android - ionic build android

error -

WARN: ionic.project has been renamed to ionic.config.json, please rename it.
Uh oh! Looks like you're missing a module in your gulpfile:
Cannot find module 'gulp'

Do you need to run `npm install`?

I am unable to find the issue for this error…Plz help…its urgent…i was able to build properly few days back…

Have you tried running npm install?


I have everything installed as global -

Gulp version:  CLI version 3.9.1
Gulp local:
Ionic Framework Version: 1.1.1
Ionic CLI Version: 2.0.0
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.0.0-beta.20
OS: Windows 8.1
Node Version: v5.9.0

Am i missing something?

only npm install gives

npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\Mihir\package.

it used to build few days back…

Anyone please…i am stuck here…

I did > npm install --save-dev gulp

now i am getting this error -
WARN: ionic.project has been renamed to ionic.config.json, please rename it. Uh oh! Looks like you're missing a module in your gulpfile: Cannot find module 'bower' Do you need to run npm install?

i already installed bower globally still it is giving same error

Has anyone found a resolution to this issue? I’m stuck here still as well.

I got the same error. I looked at the gulpfile and I don’t use any of the tasks (sass, watch, git-check…). So I just renamed it

git mv gulpfile.js gulpfile.js.unused

and it went back to working. I did have to rename ionic.project as well.

mv ionic.project ionic.config.json

Save my day ! I’ve only rename directly the gulpfile by myself without command, and it’s work ! Infinite thanks. :slight_smile:

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how did u do ?? what did u rename exactly 'cause i’m stack there thank you

i have renamed ionic.project to ionic.config.json but still having same issue

did you also rename the gulpfile?

Thanks, Save my day. this is good trick