I have a running hybrid app on my machine. when I moved to another machine through flash drive and after opening in editor. I run this command ionic serve i got this error ;
WARN: ionic.project has been renamed to ionic.config.json, please rename it. Uh oh! Looks like you’re missing a module in your gulpfile:
Cannot find module ‘gulp-sass’
Do you need to run npm install?
Its because the new machine has a newer version of Ionic installed. I fought with it for a while. Renaming the ionic project is easy of course, but getting the gulp file set back up did not work. I eventually started my app over with a new Ionic project and everything has been fine since. But there are some big differences in how Ionic cloud works. It is much better, but if your app is fine using the old version you may want to stick with it for now.
I was having trouble with Ionic push notifications and the new cloud version fixed it all.
My folder for ionic is working in teh working but without doing anything, it can not run with command ionic serve. It ask to change ionic.project or run npm bower install. I choose to install bower and it shown “WARN: ionic.project has been renamed to ionic.config.json, please rename it.”. rename it and run ionic serve but the app doesn’t appear.
D:\app_abc\abc.git\cha>ionic service
WARN: ionic.project has been renamed to ionic.config.json, please rename it.
You must have bower installed to continue.
Type npm install -g bower (CLI v2.0.0-beta.25)