Can we open sidemenu over themeable browser ionic?

I am doing following stuff with ionic 3 + themeable browser plugin.

In application i have sidemenu with X number of option. One of them is themeable browser so when user click on that themeable-browser is open in that dialog i added some custom icon and logo of application. For example themeable-browser is showing MENU icon when user click on that sidemenu should open over themeable-browser.

When user click on MENU icon, themeable-browser send callback to app.component.ts page and there i written code for open side menu using;
Sidemenu opens but not showing over themeable-browser. Is there any way i can show application sidemnu over themeable-browser.

Probably not that easy because the “themeable browser” is a modified version of the classic “InAppBrowser” plugin that opens a native browser over your app, that fills the whole screen. You can normally only open and close it.

The Webview where your Ionic app is running is another native element that fills the whole screen.

What should happen to your browser thingie when the menu is opened?

Thanks for your reply.

When i click on menu icon in themeable browser sidemenu is opened but display in background. When i close themeable browser. sidemenu is on open state.

I am not understanding…

What should happen to your browser thingie when the menu is opened?

How should the menu open? Should it slide the browser over to the right? Should the menu appear over the opened browser view?

When we click on MENU icon in themeable i sent one callback in javascript when that callback get in javscript function i write one line;

Side menu opened but in background. Not display over the themeable browser

Yes, I got what the problem is.

I am asking how it should look like.

That should look like when we open sidemenu in actual application. So sidemenu should display over themeable browser but display behind to opened dialog

That will probably be impossible, even if you jump into the native code: Imagine both the normal app and the browser as “rectangular blocks”. When you open the browser, the Ionic app is hidden behind that. If you switch between the two, the other always gets hidden.

Ok. If you have any idea about that in mind please let me know.

Thanks @Sujan12 for your valuable time. That is really nice support by you.

Thanks again.!

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