Can not create new project in ionic 5 in windows

Hi Team,

I’m new to Ionic and tried creating an application using the below command

C:\Windows\System32>ionic start myFirstApp --type=“angular” blank

I’ve the below erro


please Help me

whats does your Ionic info say in terminal?

try changing the parameters:
ionic start myFirstApp blank --type=angular

thanks team

when i use a VPN it is solve

now I have other problem
when i run ionic start hello-world --type=angular blank

npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near ‘…orms":">=8.2.7","@ang


Remove cordova folders from your project /platform and eventually plugins then add cordova by ionic CLI: ionic platform add android and try again.

hi friend thanks…
No I did not have project, so I did not have platform folder. i did try to create my first project with Ionic.

My Problem solved in some Step…
1- install a vpn application like protonVpn
2-install putty

with two step I could create my first project in windows…GodLuck Team and thanks for help

Thank you for helping us.