Build ios app with appflow

hey everyone!

I just finshed my ionic app on linux and I upload it to google play store,
now I want to upgrade my plan to build ios app and publish it to app store using appflow

so do I need Mac laptop to build it with appflow ? or just a pc with windows or linux ?
do I need just only PC and apple developer account ?

thank you.

You can do almost everything from a non-Mac computer now. Use OpenSSL for certificate generation and I believe AppFlow now allows upload directly to app store ( However it is worth using a Mac for configuration etc. Such as adding your GoogleService-Info.plist file for Firebase or making changes to the plist file. is a cloud based Mac that is quite inexpensive so may be worth looking at.

However it is worth using a Mac for configuration etc. Such as adding your google-services.json file for Firebase or making changes to the plist file.

im using firebase as main database in my app
so what does that mean? i can’t use firebase in appflow while im using appflow?
please let me know and thank you

To clarify, this is only the case if you are using Capacitor instead of Cordova.

For Capacitor see, Step 3 must be done using Xcode to ensure the file registers.

If you are using Cordova you can leave the plist file in the root of your project directory and it usually works.