Hello, ive installed a fully working app in windows and uploaded to google play.
works on my phone.
now im using mac.
- i ran the command:
cordova build --release android
and a new unsigned apk is there. - im signing the apk successfully via the android studio with a keystore ive just created.
- and a signed apk is there. good.
- im downloading this apk direct to my phone to check how it runs (before uploaded to google play or something).
- the application is just “hello world” app with nothing there.
and the application named as: “My Application” and not as i called it, and the app icon is the android logo and NOT the icon i manualy set for it.
notice: when im running the command ionic run android --livereload it works and it loads the actual app im working on.
why is this??
also, i did the commands ionic resources --icon and --splash if it matters some how.