Bug on ion-input when used in modals version 7.02

I’ve a problem with ionic v7, in particular when the i’ve a modal that i open programmatically.
The first time i open the modal the labels works correctly but when i reopen the modal the labels disappear. I think is a bug

<ion-modal #tasksFilterModal [backdropDismiss]="false">
          <ion-buttons slot="start">
            <ion-button (click)="clearFilterModal()">
              {{ "label.clear" | translate }}
            {{ "label.filters" | translate }}
          <ion-buttons slot="end">
            <ion-button (click)="applyFilterModal()" [strong]="true">
              {{ "label.apply" | translate }}
      <ion-content class="ion-padding">

          <ion-input value="{{ activeInDateFilterStrValue | dateFormat:'short' }}" 
              label="{{ 'label.active-in-date' | translate }}" labelPlacement="floating" 
              id="fromDateFilter" class="ion-text-start" readonly>
            <ion-popover trigger="fromDateFilter" size="cover">
                <ion-datetime presentation="date" [(ngModel)]="activeInDateFilterStrValue" [locale]="currentTranslateLocale">
          <ion-input type="text" name="task-code" label="{{ 'label.task-code' | translate }}" labelPlacement="stacked" 

          <ion-input type="text" name="task-description" label="{{ 'label.task-description' | translate }}" labelPlacement="stacked"


The following is the code i use to open and close the modal:

@ViewChild('tasksFilterModal', { static: true }) 
modal: IonModal;

    this.modal.dismiss(null, 'cancel');

This is a known bug: bug: v7, cannot pass dynamic label to form controls · Issue #27085 · ionic-team/ionic-framework · GitHub

We have a dev build with a proposed fix here: bug: v7, cannot pass dynamic label to form controls · Issue #27085 · ionic-team/ionic-framework · GitHub

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