Bug in Ionic Studio 0.0.63

In Ionic Studio version 0.0.63 I cannot edit and save files in project.
I tried to write something and save, but studio clear my text and cursor back to the top of file


same issue, very frustrating

I also have the same problem ! And it’s a paid product !!!

I have the same Issue.

I also the same issue, where can I find previous version?

In version 0.0.64 the same problem
they did not fix it!
I want my money back

+1. Is there a formal bug report mechanism?

Hi everyone - my apologies for the inconvenience. The Studio team is hard at work on a fix, which we hope to release by the end of the day.

Be on the lookout for a message from us in your email or within Studio.

Update: The issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience! Please watch for an email and announcement within Studio soon.