Blank page after splash Ionic 7

Olá pessoal, sou novo no Ionic e estou com problemas para executar o aplicativo no Android. Minha versão do Ionic é 7, o aplicativo é simplesmente o projeto em branco com ngmodules.

A blank page is usually due to a JS error usually caused by an unsupported JS feature in the WebView.

Run the app on your Android via Android Studio and check DevTools in Chrome to see if there are any errors. You can open DevTools for the device on your computer by going to chrome://inspect/#devices in Chrome.

I already tried it. There’s nothing on the console in the web browser.

Only the Android app has the issue.
Here’s the link to the project. Can you check where my mistake is?

Sorry, I don’t download random ZIP files. A GitHub repo would be preferred.

here the link AvinSSSS/App-teste
i’m learning, thank you for your patience

Ah, you are running Angular 19. Probably related to this - How to trace NullInjectorError which appears in Production environment only

A temporary fix is to set "optimization": false in angular.json.

That was already set to false.
I tried setting it to true, but the problem remains.
I even tried downgrading Angular, but without success.

Try “optimization”:false under “production” Key in angular.json

That is exactly it. Thanks, Giammariomarini and Tom Westrick; both of you helped me a lot.
Have a great and blessed year!