How to trace NullInjectorError which appears in Production environment only

I have an Ionic Angular project which is working fine in the browser (ionic serve -c), but gives a NullInjectorError on Android devices (ionic cap run android).

In order to trace back where the error comes from, I have an Android device connected to the PC and do the inspection with Google Chrome’s chrome://inspect/#devices.

The output in Chrome looks like this:

main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1 ERROR NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError[t -> InjectionToken  -> [object Object] -> Bs -> Bs]: 
  NullInjectorError: No provider for Bs!
    at $i.get (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1172772)
    at zi.get (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1176195)
    at zi.get (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1176195)
    at nn (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1171275)
    at An (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1171352)
    at ir (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1171790)
    at Object.i [as factory] (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1178483)
    at zi.hydrate (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1177523)
    at zi.get (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1176148)
    at nn (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1171275)
handleError @ main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1
polyfills.132a08611f4a15c8.js:1 NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError[t -> InjectionToken  -> [object Object] -> Bs -> Bs]: 
  NullInjectorError: No provider for Bs!
    at $i.get (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1172772)
    at zi.get (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1176195)
    at zi.get (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1176195)
    at nn (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1171275)
    at An (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1171352)
    at ir (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1171790)
    at Object.i [as factory] (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1178483)
    at zi.hydrate (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1177523)
    at zi.get (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1176148)
    at nn (main.f1c1bc206c0c555f.js:1:1171275)

So this fails to tell me which provider is missing or wrong.
Also, when I try to debug with the command ionic cap run android -l --external the app works perfectly fine without the NullInjector errors. The errors seems to happen only in Production environment.

How can I get the development type of output for this?

This is what the main.ts file looks like:

import { enableProdMode, importProvidersFrom } from '@angular/core';
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { IonicModule,isPlatform } from '@ionic/angular';
import { provideRouter } from '@angular/router';
import { provideHttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { provideFirebaseApp, initializeApp } from '@angular/fire/app';
import { browserLocalPersistence, indexedDBLocalPersistence, provideAuth, getAuth } from '@angular/fire/auth';
import { routes } from './app/app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app/app.component';
import { IonicStorageModule } from '@ionic/storage-angular';
import { ServiceWorkerModule } from '@angular/service-worker';

import { firebaseConfiguration } from './app/config/app.config';


bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [
    provideFirebaseApp(() => initializeApp(firebaseConfiguration)),
    provideAuth(() => {
      const auth = getAuth();
      if (isPlatform('android')) {
      else {
      return auth;
      ServiceWorkerModule.register('ngsw-worker.js', {
        enabled: !isPlatform('android'),
1 Like

I’m facing the same issue. Did you manage to resolve it?

I’m afraid I don’t have a solution yet :confused:

For sure I’m never using Ionic again…

Actually it’s Angular to blame here… I will try one more approach by creating my project from start again and adding the components one by one.

I created a topic in StackOverflow, hopefully it gets attention. I’ve stripped my project to the bare minimum and still have Nullinjector errors…


I have the same issue. I created e new blank project and I tried to deploy on Android (emulator or phisical mobile) it fails with error “NullInjectorError: No provider for Cr!” if I try with “ionic cap run android -l --external” it work fine

@giammariomarini Are you able to share that project code with us? I’d like to check it out.

Sorry, no, I deleted the project, I’m a high school teacher, so I’m simply trying out a project from my students. I had created an empty project using “ionic start nameProject”, the chosen angular empty project.
When it’s built, I run “ionic serve --prod” and I get the error.

There’s an issue on the Ionic github pages, others are running into the same problems with production builds. It might be that Ionic doesn’t support Angular 19 yet.

Link: bug: Compiled files issue with angular 19 · Issue #30100 · ionic-team/ionic-framework · GitHub

yesss, I tried “optimization”:false in angular.json file and it’s worked for me!!

I would advise to only do that temporarily, as there are some drawbacks in disabling optimization. Slower performance and longer load times are some of the problems you might encounter.

So I was getting NullInjectorError’s repeatedly and came across this StackOverflow post

Deleting this file fixed the issue for me. I’m unsure why?