Appflow Deploy plugin is already installed

Tried changing channels, and i cannot change the cordova ionic plugin details to auto deploy on background. i am getting this error . Appflow Deploy plugin is already installed. Thanks.

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Same here, did you find a solution?

Same here, any solution on how to reconnect with different type and or channel?

There is a capacitor command line that will take care of this but I can’t find it anymore :frowning:
However you can make sure to set these manually by setting

  <string name="ionic_app_id">d3183e2e</string>
  <string name="ionic_channel_name">Master</string>
  <string name="ionic_update_method">none</string>

in android/app/src/main/res/values


in ios/App/App/Info.plist

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If you remove “cordova-plugin-ionic” from your package.json file (or run npm uninstall cordova-plugin-ionic) You will be allowed to install the plugin again.

Also, you might want to mention (since it isn’t documented) that the Android strings are located in app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml

And the iOS keys are located in App/Info.plist