App size is too Big

Am developing an App using Ionic obviously, the size were around 15 MB but after i added the android platform and splash screen my app got size of 50 MB which really big and i still need to add more plugins and code. Any idea to reduce the size of the app.!

Check the resources, especially splash screen size. Maybe a image optimizer can help.

and you should consider using 9patch images for android and not special hd splashscreens with many colors and so on.

so in most cases you have a logo or font in the middle of the splashscreen -> try to use unicolored backgrounds, so you can reach many devices sizes with 1 9patch image.

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Actually the splash screen is white and black and it’s actual size is 2.2 MB

I develop with phonegap build and such an app should have max size of 5mb if your splashscreen is only about 2.2mb Oo

xwalk can make size really big ~ +30mb to the app without it

I started ionic app it was 10 MB, i kept coding and with adding Android platform and, Splash screen reach 50 MB . so weird the platform folder is 37 MB

Sorry i have no idea what is the xwalk

I mean crosswalk - Have you add it to android platform?

no i added the platform like in any cordova project ionic platform add OR cordova platform add

Are you talking about the Ionic project folder size or the compiled application’s size? The project folder will be much larger than the compiled application…try ionic build android and see how big the compiled application is.

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True, Sorry i didn’t looked at the compiled version in the phone which is 7.3 MB.

I have the same problem, but the app on my phone is 70mb. I used ionic resources to generate assets. Those are very big. help.

For those who are facing same issue,

  1. If you are checking folder size, definitely it will be huge, But dont worry once you compile the app it will be very less sized.
  2. In my case my folder shows 133MB but when i compile its just 5MB.
  3. My app size was 10MB at first, then i found that my images have extra kbs so i used to compress them.
  4. This is most important, You should use less sized images for thumbnail and splash screen. In my case splash screen was 500kb due to which my app size was 10MB. I compresses them and then app size came down to 5MB. 50% less size.

After discuss over there Ionic resources make release very big
I found out I used png to save a photo makes files very big. And I thought it’s the problem about how to use PNG. But not the problem about ionic resources command.

It’s better splash supports JPG to make it can include a high-quality photo. And why just make Ionic compress the PNG instead of request another tool