App error and cordova deviceready not fired


I have problem with two things.

I get cordova not fired device ready in 5 seconds.
I tried rm and add both platforms android/ios and all of plugins, but it didn’t help.

And when testing on Samsung i get this “The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/index.html)”
and even on my phone sometimes with no other error.


Can you help me please?

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Add the next line into the config.xml in side the <platform name=“android”> tag.

<preference name=“loadUrlTimeoutValue” value=“700000” />



What means value=“700000” ?
Seconds or milliseconds ??


what mean loadUrlTimeoutValue?

Did someone solved this issue? I’ve tried @rosell_iiia_csic_es solution but it doesn`t work for me.

it worked for me like a charm