Android Go - Will ionic apps work on Android Go (low end devices) without performance issues


Google just announced “Android Go” which will be the lighter version of android supporting devices with 1 GB of ram.

Just want to know… will ionic apps work on such devices without any performance issues.

I do understand it might be too early for this question. But asking because we are about to start a new project using ionic. Want to know the pro’s and con’s considering Android GO.


Could you provide some documentation links for this Android Go thingie?

I too would like to know if Ionic’s performance would be affected on Android Go devices. @max would love to know your thoughts here.

I would also like to know if this is possible? I have a client choosing between a samsung running 4.4 or a Nokia 1 running Android Go 8.1 @mhartington Has anyone tested this? There isn’t much on the web that I could find.

API level 26 seems nice to run web apps wrapped in cordova or capacitor.

Optimize for devices running Android (Go edition)
Android (Go edition) is an optimized experience for entry-level devices with ≤1GB RAM, starting with Android Oreo (Go edition). To ensure your app runs great on Android (Go edition) devices, you should should take into account the following guidelines:

targetSdkVersion should be the latest version of Android. Android (Go edition) devices only run Android Oreo (API 26 or higher).
The app should run smoothly on devices with ≤1GB RAM. Keep in mind the memory optimizations listed in Use memory efficiently above and use Android vitals to identify and fix bad behaviors like slow rendering and frozen frames.
The on-device app size should be smaller than 40MB.
The Proportional Set Size (PSS) of the app’s RAM usage should not exceed 50MB. For games, the PSS of the game’s RAM usage should not exceed 150MB. For more information about PSS, see the Investigating Your RAM Usage guide.
The startup time of the app should be minimal and under 5 seconds.
We recommend that most developers optimize their existing app, which will be available on all Android (Go edition) devices, because making your app run faster and lighter will benefit your whole audience. You can use the Multiple APK feature on the Play Console to distribute a specific APK for Android (Go edition) devices but you should only do so without compromising the experience (e.g. you should avoid removing features). The APK targeting Android (Go edition) devices needs to declare , target at least API Level 26, and have a higher version code than the non-Go edition APK.

I have bought two android go devices and I have the same problem on both of them. After the user opens the camera and takes a photo, on ok pressed the app crashes. I’ve added some break point on pause and on resume, also on result from the camera opening. The pause event is fired but after that not other break point it caught. The app is terminated without even getting there. Does anyone experienced something like this? And also this happens just on android go phones.