I just updated my app from ionic-angular@3.6.0 => 3.7.1, following the directions listed in the change log.
Afterwards I tried ionic cordova run android and it goes through the whole build process with no errors, then it launches the app but all I get is a blank white screen. When I open the Chrome DevTools I see literally nothing, no source, no elements, nothing in the console.
I killed the app and tried to relaunch from the device but then it gives me an Application Error: The connection to the server was unsuccesful. (file://android_asset/www/index.html)
Anyone else have this experience or have any ideas?
Can you post more information? It doesn’t really tell us anything from just that.
What happens when you run build locally?
When you do a prod build, can you serve it locally?
I’m not exactly sure what you mean by serve locally.
I’ve tried:
ionic cordova run android
ionic cordova run android --prod
ionic cordova build android
ionic cordova build android --prod
after running or putting the built .apk on my device from the above commands I get the same result, splash screen followed by white screen with no information in developer tools. I can however see my providers be initialized via the android monitor.