I have developed an app. With ionic serve everything works fine. However when I run ionic run android I get a white screen.
I have a feeling it has something to do with template urls like:
templateUrl: 'build/components/_UI/Timeline/TimelineItem/TimelineItem.html'
instead of embedded templates.
Do more people have this problem?
Update: I can confirm that embedding the templates inside the .ts files solves the problem. This looks like a bug.
The urls shouldn’t mess with anything. What version of android are you deploying too?
V2 supports android 4.4 and up, so that could be the issue.
I am using Android 6.0 on a Motorola X Style. It looks like it has something to do with nested components. Say component A uses B and B uses C.
When A has a templateUrl there is no problem as long as B and C have inline templates. When B or C have a templateUrl as well I got this white screen.
Just as an extra detail which might help: Component A is used on a tabbed page.