Android App created with sdk 34 does not create shortcut icon on home screen for android versions 13 and earlier

Android App created with sdk 34 does not create shortcut icon on home screen for android 13 and earlier.

In Android 14 it works correctly, creating the shortcut icon when installing the app.

The app uses Ionic v3 and cordova 13

Hello there
I had a similar issue with an app created using Ionic v3 and cordova 13. After updating to SDK 34, I found that shortcut icons are not being created on the home screen for android 13 and previous devices. i think :thinking: it looks that this is connected to how SDK 34 handles shortcut creation in older android versions.

Maybe a bug with Cordova 13. Have you checked open issues on GitHub? Otherwise, I would report an issue with the Cordova team.

I haven’t encountered any issues like this with Capacitor 6 :grin: