Camera not working when Target SDK 33

Hi all,
I’m using ionic 3 angular for building my version for Android 13. After changing maxsdk version 32 to 33, camera plugin not working. Anyone please help me on this.


Neither Cordova nor Capacitor support to target SDK 33 officially yet, keep targeting SDK 32.

That’s assuming you mean targetSDK and not maxSDK, if you are using maxSDK, don’t, that just prevents your app from working on new OS releases.

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If I use Target SDK as 32 then ,in Play Store for Android 13 version devices app is not visible and incase we go through Play Store app I’d link showing message as ’ can’t compatable with your device '.
@julio-ionic Please suggest some solution on this.

@julio-ionic I removed both maxsdk,targetsdk versions in config file, build apk targets to SDK 32(Android 12). Will it supports to Android 13 in Play Store?
Please check attachment for reference

Yes, if you use targetSDK 32 it will still work on Android 13, it’s the maxSDK what makes the app to not be available for Android 13 devices.

@julio-ionic as you said I tried to upload to playstore, app is not compatible with Android 13 devices.

If it’s not compatible it’s not because of the targetSDK 32, must be something wrong with your app.

Double check that you removed the android-maxSdkVersion from your config.xml and that the AndroidManifext.xml doesn’t include something like <uses-sdk android:maxSdkVersion="32" /> and none of your plugins is setting the android-maxSdkVersion.

update this on android/app. androidmanifest.xml file camera will work on android 13

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what need to update ?

Have you found Any Solution ? I am also facing this issue