All about Progressive Web Apps

Hey Ionites!

First of all, I don’t post nearly enough on the forum, gotta get back into the habit of this :smiley:

So, Progressive Web Apps are soooo hot right now, but they’re pretty difficult to understand considering they’re a collection of Web APIs supported on new browsers, some new design concepts, and some marketing terms that big companies like Google are starting to push.

Long term, the Ionic team is super excited about Progressive Web Apps because they give Ionic developers yet another way to deploy apps to reach a totally new audience outside of the app stores. The mobile web and Google search draws tons of users to websites, and many users never install app store apps despite tons of install banners and interstitials. Since Ionic apps are primarily built with web content, Ionic apps can run in the app store AND the mobile web as a Progressive Web App with the exact same code. That’s a major advantage over our native app developer friends!

Today, we’re taking the first step towards bringing Progressive Web App support into Ionic (a long process, to be sure), and we just posted our first blog with a high level overview of what a Progressive Web App actually is. I hope you enjoy it and let us know if you have any questions about it!

On the Blog: What are Progressive Web Apps?


This is awesome. Same ionic code base for hybrid iOS, Android and Windows Phone can now be also use for a mobile web as a Progressive Web App, am I hearing this correctly?

How do you enable your ionic app (hybrid iOS, Android and Windows Phone) to also be a mobile web as a Progressive Web App?

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@gecasti I think the work is still in progress and not released yet. The ionic team is on work in collaboration with google to implement it in ionicframework but it’s not available now.


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Please let me know how I can contribute and help test. I would love to get my existing ionic framework app (hybrid iOS, hybrid Android and hybrid Windows Phone) also working as a Progressive Web App.

What is the game plan? Do we just convert our existing ionic hybrid apps to Progressive ionic Web App (migration) or we can have both?

I am really curious to know if Apple has any plans about adopting Progressive Web Apps. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.


Just checking in, any update on this?

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On safari there are some meta tags that make the same job as the manifest.json

I got a pwa working with service worker using sw-precache.
Do not know know to preserve state yet. Have not tried much.

We will have some updates shortly. Justin on our team recently built a real PWA with Ionic 2 and we’ll talk more about this and our PWA plans with an RC release coming in the next few weeks if all goes to plan!


Awesome. I am looking forward to learning how to transform my ionic app into a PWA and/or implement from scratch a brand new PWA with Ionic 2.0 (using Angular 2.0/TypeScript). Please keep us posted. The future is here

Hi! Your article is of a great interest for us, as our team recently launched a PWA local market app called It has been very hard to program because ReactJS was new to us, but we coped with the task and now we would like to share the result of our work with people. It would be great to know your opinion about it!
Also I leave you the link of the presentation where you can find more technical information:
In any case, I´m in your disposal for any questions you can have about our project!
I look forward to hearing from your feedback!

Hi! Your article is of a great interest for us, as our team recently launched a PWA local market app called It has been very hard to program because ReactJS was new to us, but we coped with the task and now we would like to share the result of our work with people. It would be great to know your opinion about it!
Also I leave you the link of the presentation where you can find more technical information:
In any case, I´m in your disposal for any questions you can have about our project!
I look forward to hearing from your feedback!

Anything new? Any timeline? :slight_smile:

Hi nuub question … can publishing to PWA resolve the font size = small v’s large in android messing with app layout … ie if distributing via PWA approach will there be certainty of font size behavior


I want to create a progressive web app using ionic. I have done with the browser level coding till so far with ionic and angular framework. But looking forward for some news on PWA.


I have been searching Internet for long time to find a solution if I can server Ionic 2 app as it is in a web server. So people can browse it from their web browser.
And that’s PWA.
Thank you.

I’d really like to see a developer-focused blog post/video/tutorial about building PWAs with Ionic 1.3.x. So far I’ve seen the announcements, but they were very high level and didn’t include any details about how it should be done.

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Hello, this is a mobile app built with ionic named TOOD, available in iOS & Android, it lets users buy or customize temporary tattoos in app, which has been featured by Apple Store two months ago :slight_smile:

Shall i use same code for Mobile and web(Browser) using ionic ?