Are you building a PWA with Ionic? We want to hear about it!

As many of you may have seen, Progressive Web Apps are going to be a major focus of Ionic’s going forward. We want to help Ionic developers ship great apps to the App Stores, but also take the same code and deploy them to the web to maximize distribution and discoverability. We think this is a unique strength of Ionic that native SDKs are missing today, and want to make sure Ionic developers can maximize that benefit.

This is even more important today as Google starts to flex its muscles in mobile web search by lowering the ranking of sites that aren’t mobile friendly, as well as penalizing app store interstitials. They’ve also started publishing data on how app store interstitials contributed to 69% of mobile web traffic completely abandoning the page (without downloading the app!)

With that in mind, we are calling for Ionic developers interesting in building a Progressive Web App with Ionic to come forward. There are some interesting marketing and promotional opportunities available, including conference, blog, newsletter, and social promotion.

If you’re building an awesome PWA with Ionic, let us know by sending an email to with a little description of what you’re building and the company you work for, or by leaving a reply below.

Thanks, we can’t wait to see what you’re building!


A local services classifieds website. Web version is developed using ionic2. :slight_smile:

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We are building a white label B2B ecommerce app for our customers. Ionic2 with Spring Data Rest.

I’m currently developing a cross platform app that will be also progressive (mobile, browser, electron). Since it targets desktop devices too i’m probably going to implement another framework like material2 for desktop and electron.

Highest aim would be completely shared UI code with ionic 2 - but i don’t see this yet. So the app is not fully responsive but a little bit of adaptive web design… Alpha Release will be in October. Following a offline first approach - thus i couldn’t rely on Firebase since the JavaScript offline sync is not here yet. Used PouchDB instead and i’m very happy. Would be great to here more detailed information about the other apps (especially problems and solutions) - how about a series of articles in ionic blog? There is definitely a information deficit about pwa with ionic. :slight_smile:

My App is a learning platform for students (pbl. released as open source).

Hey there! We are building a cross platform app, mainly its being used on web, and some auxiliar modules on mobile exported version of our ionic build. The app gets provisioned for each client we have, which are rapidly increasing. We have created some custom tasks on gulp for minifying and watching custom styling files, but we are still looking for a “prod” task to be built, that might do unit testing, minifying and preparing Js and CSS for web production build.

Our first release will be around September, but we’ve already started some alpha with custom testing groups.

This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.

Looking forward to implementing PWA with Ionic 2. If someone could share a guide of how to deploy it on web I would be grateful

@max I recently went to the Progressive Web App Dev Summit 2016 by Google in Amsterdam so I’ve quite an idea of what a PWA is but how could I start making a PWA using the Ionic Framework? Do I just need to throw in a service worker or are there other requirements I have to met?

Hi Max,

PWAs have been severely hampered by app stores focusing on monetising and fragmenting markets, thus excluding many profitable use cases for many ventures, huge ones and small ones alike.

We’re currently working towards a mobile PWA (it does not even require offline use) for a European bank, offering immediate leads towards leasing contracts by scanning QRs attached to items on sale.

The user experience must be both, immediate and complete. Neither traditional app store concepts (too slow, too steep) nor legacy desktop interfaces (too cumbersome) fit the bill. Manual coding is always possible, but costly.

I trust PWAs will find their way towards a splendid B2C future. Google already has accounted for this segment by dedicating its towards PWAs.

Thus we’ll try to use Ionic 2 as a foundation for our PWA despite Ionic still complaining about missing Cordova a.s.o. :frowning:


Wow nice brother.suprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

I’m developing an astrology app. It will be available on mobile platforms, the web and on desktop via electron.
100% Code share

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Could you please release documentation on the suggested steps (at least as known so far) so that we may attempt it? There are a couple of cases for me to do this and would love to do it in ionic2 and show it as a proof of concept.

There was a mini conversation on how to do this PWA deployment here:

“… all that would be required would be to copy the manifest.json [from that git project] file and edit it for my purpose and then deploy the built www directory …”


Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for

I’m developing a cross platform app that will be also progressive (mobile and browser). It’s still WIP but a hosted demo version is available here: (at the moment only in german). There are still some bugs but the release is just around the corner :wink:

My app is a order and accounting management system for restaurants (

Many thanks to all Ionic-Members for the amazing framework!

We are building multiple applications using Ionic 2.
A collection of sports applications for kids and families partnering with major NBA, NFL, NHL and NASL.
And a family application that brings it all together with richer experiences using Angular2 Universal.