In my app i want intro view to be displayed for 3 sec and then redirect to the main profile page.
I have used $state.go() and it work perfectly but after redirecting i can not access side-menu from profile view and also the header button became invisible.
there is an attribute: enable-menu-with-back-views
Set it to true and you can access the sidemenu also on child-states/views.
Thank You very much, it worked
It works but some other problems came around.
- Only Header button can be used to get side-menu not by scrolling to right.
- Animation became very slow in whole app.
Please suggest a solution
Yeah i mentioned this behave only on android apps where the animations are all slower as on ios.
also the dragging issue occurs in my apps on android.
I will investigate it this week.
Did you got some solution? If yes, then please please let me know
if you want to close your sidemenu on android, add next lines to your code:
document.addEventListener('touchstart', function (event) {
if ($ionicSideMenuDelegate.isOpenLeft()) {
Then you should be able to close sidemenu by swipe/drag.
Do not know your device… but androids webview is a little bit laggy with animations.