a few days ago I started having this problem with an Ionic4 app.
The problem occurs both when running the app locally with “ionic cordova run android --livereload” and after installing the apk.
The app works fine at first, but after closing and reopening it, the popovers no longer open.
Or better I think they open (because the web service that returns the data is called) but they are not visible.
Have you ever had this problem?
How can I debug it?
This is how I open a popover:
async presentPopoverItemDetail(item: Item, ev: any) {
const popover = await this.popoverController.create({
component: ItemDetailPage,
event: ev,
translucent: false,
componentProps: {
item_data: JSON.stringify(item)
cssClass: 'item-detail-popover'
popover.onDidDismiss().then((dataPar: OverlayEventDetail) => {
...some stuff
return await popover.present();
Thank you very much