Adding customized loadding spinner over splash png

Hi can anybody tell me how I can add custom loading spinner over splash screen while app opens.

Simply create a custom pure JavaScript splash screen:

This is something different, I already tried this way but when application open I see default splash screen as well and then custom splash screen.

This thing will work after app runs.

This solution was made to replace default splash screen, no point in using them both.

can you tell me the way to remove the default screen as i did modification in config.xml for showSplashscreen to false but then I see blank white screen for few seconds then custum splash screen and then final page.

Google it a bit, I would tell you but I don’t have time (I’m on vacation) and there are more then enough working examples out there.

For example:

I googled it and tried all the solution and default splash screen is removed now but still I see black screen for 4 to 5 seconds before my custom splash screen shows up.

Please, how did you solve this issue? @akhilesh2310