Adding a side menu Ionic 3

I am new to this and hopeI am new to this but hope to get some help in regards to a new app
I have started working on.
I am not being able to find a complete tutorial/example that could
help me adding a side menu.

I started my project using cli and adding the “tabs” template.
However, I do not require that and my root page should be the side menu.
I can see examples online but I feel like they refer to the v2 version.
The documentation has some new stuff (MenuController etc) related to v3
but I’m not sure how to implement it.
Could someone tell me if there’s something I can follow to create a fully
functional side menu?


What is a “slide menu”?

There is a “sidemenu” starter you can choose when running ionic start.

Sorry that’s what I meant, I have seen the side menu starter but is it for ionic 3?

Yes. There is not much difference between Ionic 2 and Ionic 3 - it’s just a higher version number.