How to submit iOS app to app store using Xcode

Ok, I am going to try and explain the iOS App Store submission process here. It is actually easier than the Android submission - way less typing! :smile:

First and Foremost - you have to be a member of the Apple Developer Programme. If you are, then you can log into the Developer Portal at and go to the ‘iOS’ section. In there, you can click on ‘App IDs’ and create a new App ID for your app. This is usually something like:


or similar. e.g. if you app was called SuperWidget and your company was Acme, the ID could be com.acme.superwidget

IMPORTANT: Make sure in your app config.xml file in the main app folder, you have set up the widget id with the same App ID as you used on the Developer Portal:

<widget id="com.<yourcompany>.<yourappname>" version="0.0.3" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">

TIP: It is also handy to change the version= number each time you upload to the App Store for easier management of build images later.

That bit is quick and easy.

Now, in your Ionic app folder, you have a folder called:


Open this folder, and you should have a file called:


Double click on this file name to open up your project in XCode.

IMPORTANT: Whenever you make a change in your project or to the config.xml file, you must remember to run the command:

ionic prepare ios

in order to update your ios project folder with the latest changes.

Ok, now in XCode, once your project is loaded, click on ‘Product’ on the top level menu, then select ‘Archive’.

This will create an archive package which you send to Apple. This should also open up the ‘Organizer - Archives’ window in XCode automatically. If it doesn’t, you can click the ‘Window’ then ‘Organizer’ menu in XCode.

In the Organizer, you can see a list of your apps, and the subsequent archives for each one. Click on the Archive snapshot you just made (they should have the dates created next to each snapshot) and then click on the ‘Submit’ button on the top right.

This should open a small window asking for your Team Identifier for creating the Provisioning Profile. You should already have a team or individual developer certificate with Apple if you are on the Developer Program.

Then you can click ‘Submit’ within the small window to upload your binary to Apple.

Not the end of the journey yet though - one more step to finalise it. You now need to log into your iTunes Connect portal, where you have set up your app description, screenshots etc. for the App Store:

Once in here, go to ‘My Apps’ and create the profile for your app as it should look on the app store, or else open a profile you have created earlier. Scroll down the page to the section called ‘Build’. You should see the build you uploaded via XCode in here so you can select it, then go back to the top of the page where you can submit your app for review! Done!