Error when doing 'ionic run ios'

cordova run ios does alot of things, then stops here. Nothing happens on the iPad. I could send you the project if you wanna check it out. Its no hurry :slight_smile:

[100%] Installed package /Users/.../

------ Debug phase ------
[  0%] Looking up developer disk image
[ 90%] Mounting developer disk image
[ 95%] Developer disk image already mounted
[100%] Connecting to remote debug server
(lldb) ^C^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/private/tmp/", line 16, in connect_command
    event = lldb.SBEvent()
  File "/Applications/", line 3389, in __init__
    def __init__(self, *args): 
error: the platform is not currently connected
Executing commands in '/tmp/fruitstrap-lldb-prep-cmds-'.
(lldb)      platform select remote-ios --sysroot '/Users/Tobbe/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/7.0.3 (11B511)/Symbols'
  Platform: remote-ios
 Connected: no
  SDK Path: "/Users/Tobbe/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/7.0.3 (11B511)/Symbols"
(lldb)      target create "/Users/.../"
Current executable set to '/Users/.../' (armv7).
(lldb)      script fruitstrap_device_app="/private/var/mobile/Applications/52FDC205-392F-4521-91FE-3AD5E5BB229D/"
(lldb)      script fruitstrap_connect_url="connect://"
(lldb)      command script import "/tmp/"
(lldb)      command script add -f fruitstrap_.connect_command connect
(lldb)      command script add -s asynchronous -f fruitstrap_.run_command run
(lldb)      connect
(lldb)      run