Wordpress HELP Please

I’m going to sleep now.
By the way an error 404 is probably not caused by a CSP, you should look at the URL that failed to get a clue.

Thank you for your help.

Not sure if you or anyone else is around, but which controller do I use on my posts.html to grab the wordpress blogs?

I have WordCtrl and PostsCtrl


.controller(‘WordCtrl’, function($scope, $timeout, $rootScope) {

// With the new view caching in Ionic, Controllers are only called
// when they are recreated or on app start, instead of every page change.
// To listen for when this page is active (for example, to refresh data),
// listen for the $ionicView.enter event:
//$scope.$on(’$ionicView.enter’, function(e) {

// Enter your site url here, leaving the /wp-json/wp/v2 part. You must have the WP-API v2 plugin activated on this site
$rootScope.url = ‘https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/freshly-pressed/’;


.controller(‘PostsCtrl’, function( $scope, $http, DataLoader, $timeout, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate, $rootScope ) {


$scope.loadPosts = function() {

  DataLoader.get( $rootScope.url + 'posts' ).then(function(response) {
    $scope.posts = response.data;
    console.log( response.data );
  }, function(response) {
    console.log('error', response);


// Load posts on page load

paged = 2;
$scope.moreItems = true;

// Load more (infinite scroll)
$scope.loadMore = function() {

  if( !$scope.moreItems ) {

  var pg = paged++;

  $timeout(function() {

    DataLoader.get( $rootScope.url + 'posts' + '?page=' + pg ).then(function(response) {

      angular.forEach( response.data, function( value, key ) {

      if( response.data.length <= 0 ) {
        $scope.moreItems = false;
    }, function(response) {
      $scope.moreItems = false;


  }, 1000);


$scope.moreDataExists = function() {
  return $scope.moreItems;

// Pull to refresh
$scope.doRefresh = function() {

  $timeout( function() {


    //Stop the ion-refresher from spinning
  }, 1000);


Hey, maybe it is too late but instead of hardcoding your Http calls you can use this lib: https://github.com/shprink/wp-api-angularjs
