Why deeplinker's url has the pages' title name

i’m using ionic2.rc1
and the deeplinker’s router url has the pages’ title in it

// in @NgModule file

 IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {
      backButtonText: 'BACK'
    }, {
        links: [
          { component: HomePage, name: "Home", segment: "home" }

// in home.html file

		<ion-title>this is home</ion-title>

then in router url,it will show this


it’s so ugly, i want it show this

http://localhost/#/home just like ionic1

is there something i can do to solve this problem?

thx you all!


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I’m having this same issue.

I’d also like to know how to set a component page to the base url instead of http://localhost/#/home

any solutions on this ??