I’ve been playing with Ionic 2 for a while and had reasonable success getting an app on my phone an the generator adding pages etc. I then introduced auth0 with reasonable success but suddenly I found the app would just white screen on my phone (HTC One M8 on Android 6). I tried various starter apps with no joy. I have looked into debugging and the error messages pointed me at the content security and a need for a white-list plugin I have set this up and configured the app as found in a number of stackoverflows. Still all I get is a white screen and nothing. I’ve tried reinstalling node, ionic npm. My only other element that may have changed is Visual Studio updating but I don’t use this for Ionic dev I use VS code.
Ionic 1 apps work fine and the Conference sample works no problem it’s just any app I create my self with the starter templates. I’ve tried removing all the cordova plugins apart from the white-list the same as the conference app but this threw errors relating to the statusbar plugin not being available.
Any help would be much appreciated.