When is split pane coming?

I loved ionic. However, there are few things missing like the split pane.
Even these newbies supports split views: http://mobileangularui.com/ http://onsenui.io/
however, my fav ionic should be on top of those… give us any clue when it is coming.

Hey there! So split pane support is on our list and we are working on it now. Should be in before 1.0 final

Awesome! good news…

Wow! awesome. I thought Ionic and Appgyver were the only players. Have you used all of that? How is it? That onseui thing. How is it different from Ionic?

I did have a look at it. It just looks like it has been ripped off from Ionic. To me it just looked like Ionic.

I haven’t actually tried it. But seems Ionic community is bigger and responsive, I’d stick with Ionic.