When I use ion-select directive as a shared component in template of the main component, it will not be shown on the main component's template. It'll show as blank on the screen

When I use ion-select directive as a shared component in template of the main component, it will not be shown on the main component’s template. It’ll show as blank on the screen. But other directives like ion-button will be shown well normally on the screen. I think it a bug in Ionic 3. Am I right?




import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { IonicPageModule } from 'ionic-angular';
import { ComponentsModule } from '../../components/components.module';
import { HomePage } from './home';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
export class HomePageModule {}


  <ion-option value="f">Female</ion-option>
  <ion-option value="m">Male</ion-option>


import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { IonicModule } from 'ionic-angular';
import { SelectTestComponent } from './select-test/select-test';
	declarations: [
	imports: [
	exports: [
export class ComponentsModule {}

@angular/animations”: “5.2.9”,
@angular/common”: “5.2.9”,
@angular/compiler”: “5.2.9”,
@angular/compiler-cli”: “5.2.9”,
@angular/core”: “5.2.9”,
@angular/forms”: “5.2.9”,
@angular/http”: “5.2.9”,
@angular/platform-browser”: “5.2.9”,
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic”: “5.2.9”,
@ionic-native/core”: “4.6.0”,
“ionic-angular”: “3.9.2”,
@ionic/app-scripts”: “3.1.8”,

In your component.module.ts you need to add this.

imports: [

I updated my question. I already imported IonicModule in the component.modules.ts. As my question, only ion-select directive will not shown on the screen. But other directive like ion-button will be shown well on the screen.

Did you see the ion-select with inspector?
You may need to add some css.

I’ve just made this project cleanly by ‘ionic start blank’ command to verify it again. I attach the screenshot of inspector.

Sorry don’t understand what are you try to do?
Where is your component with ion-select?

I just needed one shared component which include only ion-select to use in the ion-item of some main components. When I made and tried to use it in the main component, I found out it is shown as blank in the main component. Again I made a clean project to verify if it’s really a bug, its result was same as my real project. So I am asking it’s a bug or not.

There is no bug.
I use ion-select in my custom component and its work like a charm.
As i say before you may need to add some css to you custom component.
First step for you is to check if ion-select exist in DOM with inspector.