When I try to build apk I'm getting the following error and I'm stuck can anybody please help!

the error:
(node:1252) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): Error: cmd: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ‘:app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForRelease’.

com.android.build.api.transform.TransformException: java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: android/support/v4/database/DatabaseUtilsCompat.class

  • Try:
    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

  • Get more help at https://help.gradle.org

(node:1252) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

my build.gradle:

apply plugin: ‘com.android.application’

buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url “https://maven.google.com

dependencies {
    classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.0.0'


// Allow plugins to declare Maven dependencies via build-extras.gradle.
allprojects {
repositories {

task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = ‘4.1.0’

// Configuration properties. Set these via environment variables, build-extras.gradle, or gradle.properties.
// Refer to: http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/tutorial_this_and_that.html
ext {
apply from: ‘…/CordovaLib/cordova.gradle’
// The value for android.compileSdkVersion.
if (!project.hasProperty(‘cdvCompileSdkVersion’)) {
cdvCompileSdkVersion = null;
// The value for android.buildToolsVersion.
if (!project.hasProperty(‘cdvBuildToolsVersion’)) {
cdvBuildToolsVersion = null;
// Sets the versionCode to the given value.
if (!project.hasProperty(‘cdvVersionCode’)) {
cdvVersionCode = null
// Sets the minSdkVersion to the given value.
if (!project.hasProperty(‘cdvMinSdkVersion’)) {
cdvMinSdkVersion = null
// Whether to build architecture-specific APKs.
if (!project.hasProperty(‘cdvBuildMultipleApks’)) {
cdvBuildMultipleApks = null
// Whether to append a 0 “abi digit” to versionCode when only a single APK is build
if (!project.hasProperty(‘cdvVersionCodeForceAbiDigit’)) {
cdvVersionCodeForceAbiDigit = null
// .properties files to use for release signing.
if (!project.hasProperty(‘cdvReleaseSigningPropertiesFile’)) {
cdvReleaseSigningPropertiesFile = null
// .properties files to use for debug signing.
if (!project.hasProperty(‘cdvDebugSigningPropertiesFile’)) {
cdvDebugSigningPropertiesFile = null
// Set by build.js script.
if (!project.hasProperty(‘cdvBuildArch’)) {
cdvBuildArch = null

// Plugin gradle extensions can append to this to have code run at the end.
cdvPluginPostBuildExtras = []


apply from: “…/card.io.cordova.mobilesdk/starter-build.gradle”
apply from: “…/com.paypal.cordova.mobilesdk/starter-build.gradle”
apply from: “…/com-sarriaroman-photoviewer/starter-photoviewer.gradle”

def hasBuildExtras = file(‘build-extras.gradle’).exists()
if (hasBuildExtras) {
apply from: ‘build-extras.gradle’

// Set property defaults after extension .gradle files.
if (ext.cdvCompileSdkVersion == null) {
ext.cdvCompileSdkVersion = privateHelpers.getProjectTarget()
//ext.cdvCompileSdkVersion = project.ext.defaultCompileSdkVersion
if (ext.cdvBuildToolsVersion == null) {
ext.cdvBuildToolsVersion = privateHelpers.findLatestInstalledBuildTools()
//ext.cdvBuildToolsVersion = project.ext.defaultBuildToolsVersion
if (ext.cdvDebugSigningPropertiesFile == null && file(‘…/debug-signing.properties’).exists()) {
ext.cdvDebugSigningPropertiesFile = ‘…/debug-signing.properties’
if (ext.cdvReleaseSigningPropertiesFile == null && file(‘…/release-signing.properties’).exists()) {
ext.cdvReleaseSigningPropertiesFile = ‘…/release-signing.properties’

// Cast to appropriate types.
ext.cdvBuildMultipleApks = cdvBuildMultipleApks == null ? false : cdvBuildMultipleApks.toBoolean();
ext.cdvVersionCodeForceAbiDigit = cdvVersionCodeForceAbiDigit == null ? false : cdvVersionCodeForceAbiDigit.toBoolean();
ext.cdvMinSdkVersion = cdvMinSdkVersion == null ? null : defaultMinSdkVersion
ext.cdvVersionCode = cdvVersionCode == null ? null : Integer.parseInt(‘’ + cdvVersionCode)

def computeBuildTargetName(debugBuild) {
def ret = ‘assemble’
if (cdvBuildMultipleApks && cdvBuildArch) {
def arch = cdvBuildArch == ‘arm’ ? ‘armv7’ : cdvBuildArch
ret += ‘’ + arch.toUpperCase().charAt(0) + arch.substring(1);
return ret + (debugBuild ? ‘Debug’ : ‘Release’)

// Make cdvBuild a task that depends on the debug/arch-sepecific task.
task cdvBuildDebug
cdvBuildDebug.dependsOn {
return computeBuildTargetName(true)

task cdvBuildRelease
cdvBuildRelease.dependsOn {
return computeBuildTargetName(false)

task cdvPrintProps << {
println(‘cdvCompileSdkVersion=’ + cdvCompileSdkVersion)
println(‘cdvBuildToolsVersion=’ + cdvBuildToolsVersion)
println(‘cdvVersionCode=’ + cdvVersionCode)
println(‘cdvVersionCodeForceAbiDigit=’ + cdvVersionCodeForceAbiDigit)
println(‘cdvMinSdkVersion=’ + cdvMinSdkVersion)
println(‘cdvBuildMultipleApks=’ + cdvBuildMultipleApks)
println(‘cdvReleaseSigningPropertiesFile=’ + cdvReleaseSigningPropertiesFile)
println(‘cdvDebugSigningPropertiesFile=’ + cdvDebugSigningPropertiesFile)
println(‘cdvBuildArch=’ + cdvBuildArch)
println(‘computedVersionCode=’ + android.defaultConfig.versionCode)
android.productFlavors.each { flavor →
println(‘computed’ + flavor.name.capitalize() + ‘VersionCode=’ + flavor.versionCode)

android {

defaultConfig {
    multiDexEnabled true
    versionCode cdvVersionCode ?: new BigInteger("" + privateHelpers.extractIntFromManifest("versionCode"))
    applicationId privateHelpers.extractStringFromManifest("package")

    if (cdvMinSdkVersion != null) {
        minSdkVersion cdvMinSdkVersion

lintOptions {
  abortOnError false;

compileSdkVersion cdvCompileSdkVersion
buildToolsVersion cdvBuildToolsVersion

//This code exists for Crosswalk and other Native APIs.
//By default, we multiply the existing version code in the Android Manifest by 10 and 
//add a number for each architecture.  If you are not using Crosswalk or SQLite, you can
//ignore this chunk of code, and your version codes will be respected.

if (Boolean.valueOf(cdvBuildMultipleApks)) {
    flavorDimensions "default"

    productFlavors {
        armeabi {
            versionCode defaultConfig.versionCode*10 + 1
            ndk {
                abiFilters = ["armeabi"]
        armv7 {
            versionCode defaultConfig.versionCode*10 + 2
            ndk {
                abiFilters = ["armeabi-v7a"]
        arm64 {
            versionCode defaultConfig.versionCode*10 + 3
            ndk {
                abiFilters = ["arm64-v8a"]
        x86 {
            versionCode defaultConfig.versionCode*10 + 4
            ndk {
                abiFilters = ["x86"]
        x86_64 {
            versionCode defaultConfig.versionCode*10 + 5
            ndk {
                abiFilters = ["x86_64"]
} else if (Boolean.valueOf(cdvVersionCodeForceAbiDigit)) {
    // This provides compatibility to the default logic for versionCode before cordova-android 5.2.0
    defaultConfig {
        versionCode defaultConfig.versionCode*10

compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

if (cdvReleaseSigningPropertiesFile) {
    signingConfigs {
        release {
            // These must be set or Gradle will complain (even if they are overridden).
            keyAlias = ""
            keyPassword = "__unset" // And these must be set to non-empty in order to have the signing step added to the task graph.
            storeFile = null
            storePassword = "__unset"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.release
    addSigningProps(cdvReleaseSigningPropertiesFile, signingConfigs.release)
if (cdvDebugSigningPropertiesFile) {
    addSigningProps(cdvDebugSigningPropertiesFile, signingConfigs.debug)



  • WARNING: Cordova Lib and platform scripts do management inside of this code here,
  • if you are adding the dependencies manually, do so outside the comments, otherwise
  • the Cordova tools will overwrite them

dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: ‘libs’, include: ‘*.jar’)
implementation(project(path: “:CordovaLib”))
compile “com.android.support:support-v4:24.1.1+”

def promptForReleaseKeyPassword() {
if (!cdvReleaseSigningPropertiesFile) {
if (‘__unset’.equals(android.signingConfigs.release.storePassword)) {
android.signingConfigs.release.storePassword = privateHelpers.promptForPassword(‘Enter key store password: ‘)
if (’__unset’.equals(android.signingConfigs.release.keyPassword)) {
android.signingConfigs.release.keyPassword = privateHelpers.promptForPassword('Enter key password: ');

gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph →
taskGraph.getAllTasks().each() { task →
if([‘validateReleaseSigning’, ‘validateSigningRelease’, ‘validateSigningArmv7Release’, ‘validateSigningX76Release’].contains(task.name)) {

def addSigningProps(propsFilePath, signingConfig) {
def propsFile = file(propsFilePath)
def props = new Properties()
propsFile.withReader { reader →

def storeFile = new File(props.get('key.store') ?: privateHelpers.ensureValueExists(propsFilePath, props, 'storeFile'))
if (!storeFile.isAbsolute()) {
    storeFile = RelativePath.parse(true, storeFile.toString()).getFile(propsFile.getParentFile())
if (!storeFile.exists()) {
    throw new FileNotFoundException('Keystore file does not exist: ' + storeFile.getAbsolutePath())
signingConfig.keyAlias = props.get('key.alias') ?: privateHelpers.ensureValueExists(propsFilePath, props, 'keyAlias')
signingConfig.keyPassword = props.get('keyPassword', props.get('key.alias.password', signingConfig.keyPassword))
signingConfig.storeFile = storeFile
signingConfig.storePassword = props.get('storePassword', props.get('key.store.password', signingConfig.storePassword))
def storeType = props.get('storeType', props.get('key.store.type', ''))
if (!storeType) {
    def filename = storeFile.getName().toLowerCase();
    if (filename.endsWith('.p12') || filename.endsWith('.pfx')) {
        storeType = 'pkcs12'
    } else {
        storeType = signingConfig.storeType // "jks"
signingConfig.storeType = storeType


for (def func : cdvPluginPostBuildExtras) {

// This can be defined within build-extras.gradle as:
// ext.postBuildExtras = { … code here … }
if (hasProperty(‘postBuildExtras’)) {