What's your favorite charting library?

Hi you all! :smile:

First of all, thank you for support this incredible project and for to keep the constant search for improvement of this amazing framework. Thank you very much! :blush:

about the topic, sometime ago I did need a specific chart to display an advanced time axis data, something like to display different hours in a day, to make easy to see the hour variation of some events along the day. I just had saw something like this in Google charts, so I found this library: https://github.com/PMSI-AlignAlytics/dimple

Is an interesting resource, and can help you with the research.

Please consider this case, to provide something like my example for advanced time axis charts. :+1:


Definitely Chart.js. I’m currently using it in one of my apps. It’s definitely not got great options for Angular databinding and such, but were you guys to officially support it and build ionic chart.js directives, that would be AMAZING! :smile:

D3.js / C3.js look powerful.

@gnomeontherun Nice API, will definitely have to dig into that a bit.

Sounds like it’s between vnd3/c3 (both w/ d3) and charts.js. Would love to consider highcharts but the license doesn’t allow for it.

Stay tuned! Thanks for the input everyone. :beers:

i never used it in production but i played once with chart.js
here a codepen:

Chart.js is pretty good, I’m using the AngularJS version: https://github.com/jtblin/angular-chart.js

+1 for http://www.chartjs.org/

I have used Highcharts.


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http://visjs.org is simple and has a broad library.

I’ve used the NVD3 directives for a few projects and they’ve always worked well.

Looking forward to an Ionic solution though! :slight_smile:

I am using Chartjs.org .its is customisable and having awesome visualisation effects.I loved it.

We’re also using Chart.js. Tested many charting libraries but Chart.js was very easy to use and suits our needs perfectly. So here also +1 for http://www.chartjs.org

We use Angular JS directive for nvd3 - http://angularjs-nvd3-directives.github.io/angularjs-nvd3-directives/

Anyone knows the performance difference between D3-based library and chartjs ? The former works with SVG, the latter with canvas …

I use chart.js in my apps. It would be good to have some ionic support on this.

First off, I want to say thanks for the awesome continued support with Ionic! It’s been amazing to see the progress and the day collection-repeat was released changed completely my ability to “sell” Ionic to fellow developers and PM’s.

+1 for @gnomeontherun’s suggestion. I don’t have a preference for whatever library is used, but if it was abstracted to allow us to plug in or write our own choice of charting library like an ODM/ORM that would be sweet.

I’m not sure what the overhead would be, but this way if some of us want to use highcharts, charts.js, c3/d3, etc then would we have the flexibility to do so.

Has anyone had difficulty getting Chart.js charts to render on the actual device? I have been experimenting with Chart.js/angular-charts and hitting this issue: Chart.js library not rendering on device .

Considering the number of people advocating for chart.js + ionic I wonder if anyone has hit a similar issue and found a solution?

How about amcharts (www.amcharts.com)? I use in my last project.


Charts in mobile apps should be quite simple so I’m voting for chart.js
D3 + C3 / NVD3 seems quite heavy to this job and as @gnomeontherun says, the most important part is the API (and good looking charts/effects). I love his API proposal :wink: