What reason cause google map mylocation button disabled

Dear All,

I made app with ionic native google map plugin and set mapOptions like following , and install it on device, first time run it, ask me permission for device location, I choose ‘Allow’, but the ‘mylocation’ button is grey. I also use getcurrentPostion of geoLocation plugin, it does not work as well.

Any idea? thanks.

initialMap() {

    console.log('initial map');
    let mapOptions: GoogleMapOptions = {
        camera: {
            target: {
                lat: 0,
                lng: 0
            zoom: 10,
            tilt: 30
        controls: {
            zoom: true,
            myLocationButton : true

    this.mainMap = new GoogleMap('map', mapOptions);

    this.mainMap.one(GoogleMapsEvent.MAP_READY).then(() => {
    this.mainMap.on(GoogleMapsEvent.MAP_DRAG_END).subscribe(() => {


setupMapAfterReady() {
this.getDevicePosition().then(result => {
console.log('device location is ’ + JSON.stringify(result));
if (result == RESULT.OK) {
err => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(err, CommUtil.replaceErrors));


thanks for your link , it helps and now it is working after change my code according the link .

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Congrats! Enjoy the maps plugin!

Iam facing same issue google map v3 … please help me

Short answer for future reference: You need both myLocationButton & myLocation to be true.

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First of all congratulation for making a app.you are great man to making the best code mapping. most of people find location using map app.thanks for making a app for people benefits.

sir i have add both but in my case location button is not show i have used google-map 2.4.4 version tell me why it not working?

let mapg: GoogleMap = this.googleMaps.create(this.mapElement.nativeElement);

mapg.one(GoogleMapsEvent.MAP_READY).then((data: any) => {

let cameraCoordinates: LatLng = new LatLng(latlongs[0].lat, latlongs[0].long);
      controls: {
       compass: true,
        myLocationButton: true,
         indoorPicker: true,
         zoom: true
       gestures: {
        scroll: true,
        tilt: true,
         rotate: true,
         zoom: true

I am using 5.0.0-beta.27

Sir am using
@ionic-native/google-maps”: “^4.21.0”
Sir i haave also tried above veraion but i got multiple error related to the rxjs lib?

Which ionic version do you use? -I was using 4+

Sir i was using ionic 3.9 version?

The plugin version I was using should only be working with ionic 4 I guess. Anyway, I think you are better off opening a ticket there - the plugin github.

Ok sir thanks i will try on a github