webRCT client module connecting to kurento server

There is so good webRTC media server :


Could anybody suggest me ionic v5 webRTC client module connecting to kurento ?

I don’t think this is much of an Ionic related question, but if you’re using angular, this could be helpful

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I am trying to record phone camera and audio stream using webrtc protocol and the following sample code get all of my need all though it is just vanilla js codes in static resources of spring-boot demo but I cannot install it successfully on my ubuntu:

 index.html/index.js (kurento-hello-world-recording) 
<--> spring-boot websocket(kurento-hello-world-recording) 
<--> kurento-media-server (apt-get install kurento-media-server). 

I think that I could resolve my ionic webrtc page issue If this demo page works fine and I have seen it work fine before but not now. If anybody can help me, please inform me a tip.
Thank you in advance.


latest kurento-media-version 6.13.2

Kurento-tutorial probably is OK. I need to use https instead of http.

All webrtc client need HTTPS server (web server and api server). I had a same issue in recent.

This peerjs webrtc client workds fine on both web and android phone.