Can I use ion-refresher with other views like this (see sample code)? And would it still refresh the div#row-container?
I can see that the view works just right when testing it out on the browser and ion-refersher has an on-refresh which does the actual refreshing of data that feeds $scope.musics. But was it just made to specifically work for ion-list and nothing more? Just making sure. So is this idea/code valid?
<body ng-app="starter" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<ion-refresher on-refresh="doRefresh()"
pulling-text="Pull to refresh..."
<div id="row-container" ng-repeat="music in musics" style="display:block;width:90%; max-width:1120px;margin:0 auto;">
<img ng-src="{{ music.image }}" height="auto" width="100%">
<h2>{{ music.album }}</h2>
<h4>{{ music.artist }}</h4>
Note: The reasons why I didn’t want to just use ion-list is because 1. I’m playing with Ionic 2. I wanted to see if this can work since div#row-container has ng-repeat and 3. I wanted to customize how the data looks.