Warnings in ionic serve regarding gulp-autoprefixer

i got below warning when i do ionic serve .

[18:05:54] gulp-autoprefixer:
autoprefixer: D:\Varshil\CordovaProjects\NRA_Hybrid\app\theme\app.ios.css:8097
:5: Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is like to left instead
of right.
[18:05:54] gulp-autoprefixer:
autoprefixer: D:\Varshil\CordovaProjects\NRA_Hybrid\app\theme\app.md.css:8814:
5: Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is like to left instead
of right.
[18:05:55] gulp-autoprefixer:
autoprefixer: D:\Varshil\CordovaProjects\NRA_Hybrid\app\theme\app.wp.css:8595:
5: Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is like to left instead
of right.

please explain above error.
and what i do for solve it