Hi, i was trying to mix virtual-scroll and row/col to make the items responsive depending on screen size and I thought ion-col would be perfect. I tried with this:
<ion-virtual-scroll [items]="apples" approxItemHeight="500px">
<ion-card *virtualItem="let m">
<ion-img class="front_img" src="assets/imgs/apples/{{m.img}}" ></ion-img>
<ion-text color="primary">
<ion-card-content class="description">
<span > {{ m.desc[lang] }}</span> <br>
<ion-card-content class="show-more">
<u (click)="goTo(m.id)"> .. {{ 'OPTION.more' | translate }}</u>
But i’m facing 2 issues:
I don’t know the exact height of every card so I can’t put a value in approxHeight which cause empty spaces or overlay of cards in my app. Is there any workaround? (only thing I can think of is cap the height at N px and set overflow to hidden).
I can’t make
sizeXl="6" sizeLg="6" sizeMd="6" sizeSm="6" sizeXs="12"
work for ion-col because the app is just ignoring them, the cols will be on different rows no matter what…
Have anyone else faced this (or these) issue/s ??