I’m attempting to change things like the tabs background color globally in variables.scss. If I add and modify this variable:
$toolbar-background: red;
It changes the header and tabs background to red. But if I add this variable nothing happens, tabs background is still red.
$tabs-background: pink;
But then if I add this variable and assign it like so, the tabs background on iOS displays pink. (Which is pretty much the same way it is assigned in ionic.theme.default.ios.scss
$tabs-ios-background: $tabs-background;
Is this the expected behavior? Or is this a bug? I was hoping that I could use the default variables to change everything and not have to add ios/md/wp variables to variables.scss.
All variables are modified before the ionic default theme import like so
$toolbar-background: red;
$tabs-background: pink;
$tabs-ios-background: $tabs-background;
@import "ionic.theme.default";
Many thanks