Variable.scss does not change color

I cannot change colors in variable.scss

   @import "ionic.globals";

  $text-color:        #000;
  $background-color:  #fff;

  $colors: (
  primary:    #387ef5,
  secondary:  #32db64,
  danger:     #f53d3d,
  light:      #f4f4f4,
  dark:       #222

 $toolbar-md-background:   color($colors, primary);

 $tabs-md-background:     blue;

 $tabs-md-tab-color-active:                color($colors, secondary);
 $tabs-md-tab-color:                       rgba(#8c8c8c, 0.7);

 $toolbar-md-active-color:                 #fff;
 $toolbar-md-inactive-color:               #fff;
 $segment-button-md-text-color-activated:  #fff;

 @import "ionic.theme.default";

  $ionicons-font-path: "../assets/fonts";
  @import "ionicons";

for example, if i change

         $toolbar-md-background:   color($colors, primary);


          $toolbar-md-background:   color($colors, secondary);

it doesn’t change, i tried with $background-color and others , but no use… can someone plz point out what im doing wrong!! thanx