V4 ion-scroll scroll-x scrolling in every direction

First of all, I know it seems that scroll-x and scroll-y aren’t implemented yet in v4, I opened an issue about it https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic/issues/14933

Anyway, when I try to create manually a “scrollx” only effect on an ion-scroll I’m still able to scroll that element in any direction

Anyone achieved a proper scrollx or scrolly with v4?

Pseudo code:

<ion-scroll scroll-x="true">
   <div class="container"> 

ion-scroll[scrollx=true],  ion-scroll[scrollx=true] {
  overflow: hidden;

ion-scroll[scrollx=true] {
  position: relative;
  overflow-x: auto;
  height: 100px;

div.container {
   display: inline-flex;

the problem could be reproduced in Chrome with ionic serve but is even more noticeable when running an app on a real iPhone

Fck my bad, the main overflow was set in my code to auto and not hidden :joy:

ion-scroll[scrollx=true],  ion-scroll[scrollx=true] {
   overflow: hidden; // <-- here I had auto