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1.0.0-beta.13 “lanthanum-leopard” (2014-09-24)
Note: this is the second to last beta of Ionic.
This release focuses on bug fixes related to memory leak fixes and performance improvements in the last release. There should also be some improvements with animation performance, updated Angular.js lib, and an improved refresher.
Bug Fixes
- card: less intense box shadow (95d3f2e3)
- click: remove native click prevent 400ms later (20d567f8, closes #2204)
- exposeAsideWhen: disable with isEnabled=false (6f79a5e5, closes #2210)
- history: tabs lose history after switching tabs (68de8ed9, closes #1978)
- keyboard: android scroll stuck (74de015c)
- loading: prevent spinners in loading view from causing reflows when hidden. (767ce6a3, closes #2013)
- menuClose: do not close if aside exposed (b239eb9e)
- nav: prevent flickers between views (03086ed2)
- popup:
- scroll: ensure scrollView objects exist (8883c6cc)
- scrollView: check that element has not yet been GC’d before removing event listeners in $des (5e8250b1)
- sideMenu:
- splitView: disable menu toggles on exposed aside (ed3e9e30, closes #2182)
- tabs: fix android untyled android tab (aa7e9dd7)
- templateCache: make sure $state is passed config options before checking what they are (cb9b81d5)
- titles: error during quick transition changes (fe9f43d1)