Using Cordova Geolocation API with Angular Google Maps and Google Places

hi everyone,

I am pretty new to Cordova in general. I would like using ngCordova with Angular Google Maps and Google places API. I’m trying to get my example (SAKOTTURI APP). This example showing:

  • ngCordova’s Geolocation plugin to locate the user’s device
  • Angular Google Maps to display a Google Map
  • Angular Google Places to search for Nearby Places

So far, I implemented this example. Browser well done. but for some reason it doesn’t show in real android device.
Couldn’t get working “Angular Google Maps” and “Angular Google places” in real android device.
I haven’t been add cordova plugin “gelocation”, “white list”. But It also not working.
So, how do use cross work with this example.
Do I lack some package ?
Currently I am focusing on mostly android side. Information of my device: Nexus 5, Android 5.1.1.

I’d appreciate any help.
Cheers in advance.

Check the console.
Add the plugins : WhiteList, Geolocation, KeyBoard
Configure the Whitelist (meta and config.xml)
and it should be ok.

@ronycohen: Thanks so much, I will try do it.

@ronycohen: i checked and I haven’t been resolved yet. Below is config.xml.

  • And i have been add the plugins: WhiteList, Geolocation, KeyBoard.
    so why it’s not working.

Thanks for advance.

Have a look on the Chrome Inspector / console and Network tabs.
I guess You didn"t configure the Whitelist plugin.

You have to solve the problem I had a problem like you