Use ionic directive ion-slides and ion-slide accross different custom component

I am trying ionic2 beta8 and am trying to create a custom component with ion-slide, but I am getting the following error.

 EXCEPTION: Error: Uncaught (in promise): Template parse errors:
    No provider for Slides ("
        [ERROR ->]<ion-slide>
    "): TaskComponent@1:4
    browser_adapter.js:77 EXCEPTION: Error: Uncaught (in promise): Template parse errors:
    No provider for Slides ("
        [ERROR ->]<ion-slide>
    "): TaskComponent@1:4


               <text-step [id]="'step1'" [title]="'Your title here.1'" [text]="'Additional text can go here.'"> </text-step>
               <numeric-step [id]="'step2'" [title]="'Your title here.1'" [text]="23"> </numeric-step>
               <text-step [id]="'step3'" [title]="'Your title here.1'" [text]="'Additional text can go here.'"> </text-step>
               <form-step [id]="'step4'" [title]="'Your title here.'" [text]="'Additional text can go here.'"> 
                    <form-item title="Your section title."></form-item>
                    <form-item type="text" id="firstName" text="First Name" placeholder="Mary"></form-item>
                    <form-item type="text" id="lastName" text="Last Name" placeholder="Down"></form-item>


    selector: 'tasks',
          directives: [IONIC_DIRECTIVES,TaskComponent,FooterComponent,InstructionStepDirective],
    template: `
<ion-slides pager #tasksSlider [options]="tasksOptions" (ionDidChange)="onSlideChanged()" >
           <footer [tasksSlider]="tasksSlider"></footer>
   providers :[Slides )]

export class TasksComponent implements AfterContentInit {
    @ViewChild('tasksSlider') slider: Slides;
  task: QueryList<TaskComponent>;
 constructor() {

   // @ContentChildren(TaskComponent) tasks: QueryList<TaskComponent>;
  tasksOptions = {
    initialSlide: 0,
    loop: false


    selector: 'task',
    template: `
   directives:  [ IONIC_DIRECTIVES],
   providers :[Slides )]
export class TaskComponent {
    constructor(@Optional() c: Slides)  {

How can I use the ionic directive ion slides and ion slide inside two different custom component? Is it possible?

Not sure what exactly causing that error, could be the ) which is inside providers array?

Sorry it was just a copy and paste error, unlucky it is not the reason of the exception

If Slides is a component then it should be inside directives array and not providers. [quote=“mariateresapiselli, post:1, topic:55937”]
directives: [ IONIC_DIRECTIVES],

Sorry, I see it now. You are trying to access the Slides api, my bad. Can you create plunker to illustrate your issue?

Here it is, if you click on thanks button you can see the error on the console.

Thank you for answering

I’m also stuck trying to create a custom component that wraps an ion-slide.

Seems this person is also asking about a similar question:

Anyone seen any progress?

No progress for me.
Anyone can help on this?

Hi, @mariateresapiselli!

I changed your page1.html file to not use your custom components and instead placed ion-slides directly in it. It worked. This means that there is a provider when using in the Page1 component but not in your task custom component.

I think your issue is related with this Your Page1 component has an ion-content in it but your task custom component don’t, so you have a Slides provider when using ion-slides directly in Page1, but not in descendant components. Probably a bug of ionic2, after all, it’s still in beta.

I have a similar issue (related with the link above), where I can use ion-infinite-scroll inside my component pages (they have an ion-content tag), but not inside my custom components (they are modular and don’t have an ion-content tag). Waiting for beta12 to see if this is resolved.

I have the same issue. I’m using the DynamicComponentLoader to add slides. Is there any current workaround? Components get added in ngAfterViewInit() and include ion-slide tags in the component template.

code looks like this atm (slides are added at #extensionAnchor):

<ion-slides [options]="sliderOptions"  #slider>
  <div #extensionAnchor></div>

I went into ionic-angular/components/slides/slides.js and added providers: [Slides] to the Slide.decorators property. The error goes away, but the slides are not rendered properly (all of the content is visible on a single slide). I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to figure this out, but this is the direction I’m looking into.

Slide.decorators = [
    { type: Component, args: [{
                selector: 'ion-slide',
                template: '<div class="slide-zoom"><ng-content></ng-content></div>',
                changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
                encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
                providers: [Slides]
            },] },

Looking at the code more, it looks like each individual slide requires a reference to a slides object (obviously this is supposed to be the one they are a part of). So it may not be possible to use ion-slide on its own in a template. We may be better off for now making our own version of Slide rather than building a component around it?

E.g. In your example the only difference I see is that you want to use task as the selector, so you could make your own with:

Slide.decorators = [
    { type: Component, args: [{
                selector: 'task',
                template: '<div class="slide-zoom"><ng-content></ng-content></div>',
                changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
                encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
            },] },

I made some progress modifying the ionic slides code to allow custom ion-slide wrappers, but it wasn’t going to worth compared to just writing your own Slide component directly.

I wrote a lengthy SO answer here. I think the best solution is to write your component to replace ion-slide rather than to wrap it. The typescript version of your custom task would be

import { Slides } from 'ionic-angular';

  selector: 'task',
  template: '<div class="slide-zoom"><ng-content></ng-content></div>',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
export class Task {
  @Input() zoom: any;
  constructor(elementRef: ElementRef, @Host() public slides: Slides) {

  ngOnDestroy() {

I included a possible better solution in my linked answer that uses a decorator for extending a component. Your task using this CustomComponent decorator this would be:

import { Slides } from 'ionic-angular';

  selector: 'task',
  template: '<div class="slide-zoom"><ng-content></ng-content></div>',
export class Task extends Slide {