Use Hammer.js regardless

Hello, I am designing an application with ionic in which I added in the folder “assets” library Hammer.js then a file “.js” in which I have implemented actions with this library. Unfortunately, this does not work, the events are not detected.

Here is an example of use:

HTML in ionic page

<div id="contentModel"> </div>

in JS file in asset

hammer = new Hammer.Manager( document.getElementById("contentModel"));
hammer.add(new Hammer.Pinch({ event: 'press'}));
hammer.on('press', function(ev){ console.log("toto");});

Need Help

It’s ok i found my error you can close this message

Could you please share the solution to the problem?

  1. You need to import the lib hammer.js in asset, and add the path in index.html.
  2. In your file html, create the all element that you want.
  3. In your file “js”, create the the object hammer as my first message. And create
    var myObjectTs; function startNavigation(mynameclass){ myObjectTs = mynameclass }
  4. in your file “ts”, add before your class:

declare function startNavigation(mynameclass);

and in the constructor add :


  1. now you can call function on your file ts when you press a element as :
hammer = new Hammer.Manager( document.getElementById("contentModel"));
hammer.add(new Hammer.Pinch({ event: 'press'}));
hammer.on('press', function(ev){myObjectTs.functionInFileTs()});
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